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The Voice 

Take one part solid rap steeze, mix with electric urban rhythms about 8 years in the future and you get a urban electric ear-adventure. ruble in your speakers, and repeat No gimmicks necessary.



As our friends At and The RawB Money show say: Bump it or Dump it! The artist with the most plays and the most commetns will be the next Featured artist and we bump it! 

Featured Artists

The ReMINDers are a group consists of Brussels-born emcee Big Samir and Queens-born emcee/ vocalist Aja Black,  Aja Black's confident delivery, diverse cadences, and unique vocal stylings.




#Lil Debbie





Become Familiar of the Ladies who will be rock the jungle for #Bang #Bang @girl_illa Dec. 5, 2014



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 Colorados most wanted and hardest working emcee onthe mic in the Mile High City. Koo qua is a direct result of visoion, skill and grind and  has  mad stage game, hard hitting rhymes and bars for the melinium

Koo Qua

#youth #word up

// While the inclusion and empowerment of women is definitely something that is happening to grown people, it is especially important to engage the youth and cultivate said inclusion and  empowerment. In this pursuit, the Girl illa Movement worked with the TrueStar Foundation and Excelsior Youth Center, to create a Denver edition of TrueStar Magazine featuring Female hip hop artist and content relevant to teen readers. below are a few articals by the youth// 

Bearing her Fangz  by Hibaq


In today’s mainstream music, it seems as if everything is artificial and dumb. The majority of hip-hop today is about drugs,money, and degrading women. It’s as if music today, has been manipulated.A musician in my opinion is a person who takes the art of music and makes it say something. There is a musician who does just that: Lily Fangz.  

In case you’ve been living under a rock...(read more) 

Dawn Duchess: Inspiering Dreams                                                 by Dana

Dawn Duchess began her career by writing raps based on her poetry in her uncles studio. Born in Sacramento CA, and currently writing and rhyming  in Savanna GA, she finds lot of inspiration in the music of Lauryn Hill, Missy Elliot and in how she connects with her followers. Dawn Duchess Skyped with the Excelsior True Star Delegation and talked about inspiration,  perks, and following dreams, this is what she told us. ...(read more)

Rainbow Power By Chayse


The adult population is 3.5% gay, lesbian, or bisexual, that is equivalent to the population of New Jersey. Homosexuals are not allowed to get married in 31 states, people should have the right to get married to the one they love, regardless of their gender. Nearly 150,000 same sex couples have registered civil unions, are married, or have a domestic partnership.

There is a stigma about homosexuality, and because of that, it sometimes  is very discouraging to openly be who you are. ...(read more) 

21st Century Sexism  By Devin


Although sexism has been said to have subsided over the years in America, there are still many issues in today’s society. Once you look at these issues, the hard facts speak for themselves; sexism is present and active in the 21st century.

Maybe you have heard of the unequal pay of women compared to men? Or the fight for women’s reproductive rights? These are present issues when it comes to gender equality, or “21st Century Sexism.”...(read more) 

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